How to use Password Management in Admin Console (EPS)? [LAN]


Now system admin can provide or change windows login password of users from Admin Console Server.

Here's how Admin can use this feature.

If you wish to give password for selected user then follow the steps given below

Step 1: Select Asset Tab from Admin Console Dashboard and then click on Switch to Report View

Step 2: Select client for which you want to provide password, if you want to change particular user password then right click on select client then click on Password Management  

Step 3: Password management window will be open where you can see User Name, User Type, Status, Last Login, Password changed date, and password status.

Step 4: Select user for which you want to provide password, then provide password in Enter new Password text box, if you want to see what is the password then click on eye icon, then click on Set Password button.

Changed password will be applied to user as soon as settings get applied.

If you wish to give password for common users then follow the steps given below

Step 1: Right click in Hardware Inventory, select set password for common user.

Step 2: New window will open for changing password for common user where you can see details like Ip address, PC Name, user name, its type, status, Last login, License key, password changed on and password status.

Step 3: Select the client for which you wish to change password, then Provide password in given text box of Enter Password, if you wish to see what password you entered then click on eye icon, after that if you wish to give any comments then type them in comment text box then click on Set Password button.

Changed password will be applied to user as soon as settings get applied.

If you wish to see password changed history then follow the steps given below

Step 1: Open Hardware Inventory from EPS window, then click on Password changed History icon present on the left-bottom-corner shown in fig.

Step 2: New window will appear with the details of Date and Time, License Number, PC Name, User Name, IP, Password and comments. Here you can see all the details of changed password.

Now you can provide and set passwords from a single server to multiple clients.


EPS Team,


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