Assets Tab of Admin Console web (EPS) [WEB]
Assets tab of Admin Console is very useful to track a record of Computers configurations and Hardware Changes. Basically its a hardware inventory report which was organized in a user-friendly way and which give report on every week to responsible person's mail address.
Step 1:
Open web browser and enter the following site
Step 2:
Enter your Registered Mail ID and Password which was sent by NPAV team to your mail id and click on Login button.
Step 3:
Click on Menu Button then Click on Assets Tab
Step 4:
In Assets tab admin can see Machine name, RAM, Processor name, HDD count, Manufacture, HDD info, Lan Card, Model, OS name, version, OS key and when does last report arrived.
Step 5:
Admin can customize his reports according to Group, And related check boxes.
Step 6:
Admin Can Send Mail ab
out related information and he can export the information to local machine.
I hope this article will help you to use the Asset Tab of EPS Web.