How to get client log through EPS_NPLOG.EXE on the client machine?

To address and resolve client issues effectively, we need to gather client logs from the application. These logs will provide critical information about the application's behavior, errors, and performance, helping us identify the root causes of the issues. By analyzing this data, we can implement targeted solutions and improve the overall user experience. The logs will be used exclusively for troubleshooting and resolving client concerns while ensuring privacy and data protection.

Step 1:

Go to the path below and run EPS_NPLOG.EXE on the client's machine. 

Path:-C:\Program Files (x86)\Net Protector 202A\EPS_NPLOG.EXE

or Open NetProtector Endpoint Security Dashboard from desktop icon and click on Headphone icon present on Shield status window then click on Logs button.

Step 2:

Once the application starts running it will open a user interface which will start collecting the logs automatically, and wait for logs to be collected. When all log files get collected it will open Explorer with a zip file present in it.

For further investigation please mail us that zip on

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