Pre-requisite for NPAV Web Protection SSL filtering Feature for Linux/ Ubuntu

At the time of browsing on Linux operating system if user is facing "Not Secure | Your connection is not private" then we need to check and ensure libnss3-tools is installed on that endpoint operating system.

What is libnss3-tools?

This is a set of libraries designed to support cross-platform development of security-enabled client and server applications in Linux operating system related to SSL certificates.

How to check libnss3-tools is installed or not?

  • Open terminal [ Shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T ]
  • type certutil and press enter.
  • If following window appears then libnss3-tools is not installed.

How to install libnss3-tools?

  • Open terminal [ Shortcut Ctrl + Alt + T ]
  • Update package repository.

    sudo apt-get update

  • Install libnss3-tools, you need to open a terminal and then add the below command

    sudo apt-get install libnss3-tools

Note: Your Linux system should be connected to the internet.

  • After successful installation please restart the Npwebprot service by using the below command in the terminal

sudo systemctl restart npwebprot.service

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