How to Install NPAV Endpoint Security on Linux?

The installation of Net Protector Endpoint Security on Linux is slightly different than Windows.

Please follow the below steps for the installation of NPAV EPS Linux version

Download the Setup file from, or if you are using EPS Intranet then will be available in Client Installer tab

Copy the setup file in a folder and click on Net protector-EPS.deb folder.

There are two ways to install the client on linux

1: Terminal Mode:

Open the terminal in the same folder and add the below command

Command: sudo dpkg -i NetProtector-EPS.deb

After entering the command, the terminal will ask for your login password. Enter your login password to start the installation.

2: UI mode:

Double-click on the NetProtector-EPS.deb file, and you will get the installation window with the build version.

Now click on the Install button.

It will ask the Authentication, so you need to Authenticate once by giving your password.

Once installation is done, then you will get the Dashboard window asking for EPS Key and License Number.

When you add the EPS Key it will automatically fetch the license key, if you are reinstalling the client then you can also add the previous license key. After adding all the details click on Activate button.

It will verify your details and activate your Linux client.

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