How to use offline patch management tool?
If your clients are offline and require patches to be installed on client system then use the Patch Downloader tool from below link:
Note * : This tool require internet to download the patches.
Now follow the below steps to download and install patches for offline clients.
Step 1: Download the Patch Download Manager application and run, wait for some time to load the lists of available patch.
Step 2: Select the patches as per your requirements and click on download button
Step 3: It will download and save the selected patches on the ACWinUPD folder which is created on the same location where patch download manager is running.
Step 4: Copy all folders from ACWinUpd folder and paste them in to the Endpoint Security server at "C:\Program Files (x86)\Net Protector 202A\ZVSCAN\zvupdate\ACWinUpd" folder.
If AcWinUpd folder is not present at the location then create new folder with the name AcWinUpd.
Step 5: Select the client systems which have the same patch or KB article numbers and click on Install button from Endpoint security Console.
The patches will be applied to client systems in offline environment.